드론 자료실

강촌 드론영상 (feat.매빅에어) [4k]

Journey … (출처 : 유튜브)

안녕하세요, Journey Box 입니다.

매빅에어로 찍은 강촌유원지 주변 영상을 올립니다.

늘 감상해주셔서 감사하다는 말씀 드립니다~!

촬영 당일의 세월호 참사 6주기 추모와 함께,

빨리 우리나라와 전세계가 코로나19를 잘 극복하길 바랍니다!


This is a short footage by Mavic Air flying in Gang Chon, South Korea.

Hope the world to get better soon from COVID-19!

Always appreciate for your watching~!

Music: Soul Searching by Luke Bergs (feat. Jenna Evans)

You’re free to use this song in any of your videos, but you must include the following in your video description (Copy & Paste):

Track: Luke Bergs - Soul Searching (feat. Jenna Evans)


Music provided by CassetteFy.

Creative Commons - Attribution 3.0 Unported

Video Link:https://bit.ly/3ezkGdL