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I work for a company that develops Korea's leading unmanned aerial vehicle multi-copter application technology.

There is not only one kind of drones.

1) Drones for general sensor type shooting

2) The racing drone (FPV)

3) Drones for freestyle shooting

4) Less than 12kg ~ 24kg ultra-light unmanned multi-copter

5) over 25kg class

6) Toy Drones

In Korea, drone is usually a triple-rotor (tri rotor drone) or more multi-rotor drones.

Currently I am flying 1), 4), 5), 6) drones.

It is also a drone pilot who has obtained official Korean drone license.

I am wrong in English.

Translated into Google Translate,

There may be some incorrect translations.


Phone : 010-3802-9046

email : inavir1@naver.com / kyuhun77@gmail.com