드론 자료실

가을 솔밭 fpv드론 프리스타일/Autumn pine field fpv drone freestyle/DJI/Seeweb FPV

Seeweb F… (출처 : 유튜브)

안녕하세요! Seeweb FPV 입니다!


오랜만에 찾아도 늘 즐겁게 비행이 가능한 나만의 아지트 같은 곳! 오후에 햇살을 받으며, 힐링 하듯 즐겁게 비행하고 왔습니다! 더 추워지기전까지 부지런하게 다녀야겠네요!


It's a place like my own hideout where you can always have fun even if you haven't visited in a long time! In the afternoon, we had a fun flight as if we were healing in the sun! I should work hard until it gets colder!















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